Showing posts with label Relationship. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Relationship. Show all posts

Sunday, June 6, 2021

Practicing Kindness

Being kind is the secret to being happy and healthy. Would you know why?
Photo by Matt Collamer on Unsplash

That morning, like most others, the train was packed. A lot of impatient people complaining about everything and everyone made the atmosphere not only stuffy, but also unbreathable.

It was when, with great difficulty, an elderly woman entered the vehicle and leaned on the seats as she could. The predictable happened as an elderly person enters crowded public transit: most of those seated sleep as quickly as possible.

However, a six-year-old boy, nudged his father for permission to leave the place where he was. The father, indifferent, told him to stay seated. But the boy, aloud, invited her to come and sit in his place.

An awkward silence ensued in the collective, while the lady, gratefully, took the seat offered to her.

Kindness and Happiness

We have observed that, in the midst of countless possibilities of choice, those who opt for cooperation and ethics build healthier and more lasting relationships.

Being kindness a form of love, studies have shown that kind people increase their happiness because this virtue is linked to the gene that releases the hormone responsible for well-being, dopamine.

A popular saying says that kindness breeds kindness.

Kindness turns out to be contagious too, motivating others to be equally kind. When we are kind to others, we contribute to making the environment in which we live better.

Kindness is also a form of attention, respect and love. Kind people show courtesy, are polite and attentive making their relationships more human and irradiating those feelings to those around them.

Kindness and Health

Another benefit of being kind is that due to our pre-disposition to help others, we are likely to improve our mental health. Our immune system tends to be better, because there is a direct relationship between well-being, happiness and health.

In other words, when we are kind we help and care for others and for ourselves.

Putting ourselves in the other's place is always the best way to act. By being attentive to the needs of other, we conquer the awareness that what makes us happy and make others happy too.

Final Thoughts

Let us be kind giving our best to others and we will see how more complete and happy we'll be.

As kindness stems from the awakening of conscience, when we are willing to develop this virtue we also gain joy, lovingness, affability, friendship, tenderness, gratitude, respect, tenderness and tolerance.

The gesture of kindness is undoubtedly a big step towards changing a situation of neglect, indelicity or indifference this world so much needs.

Think about it!

Adapted from Momento Espírita, originally published on October 07, 2017.

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Sunday, May 30, 2021


Why are certain things prohibited? Why impose restrictions? Could a prohibition be a sign of Love?
Photo by Marcial Bollinger on Unsplash

When we are children, we use to hear the word no a lot. For example:

  • Do not put your finger in the socket.
  • Don't bite your brother.
  • Do not take cold.
  • Don't go there because it's dangerous.
  • Do not do it.
  • Do not do that.

Parents use a list of prohibitions to save and protect their children from the evils that could befall them as a result of certain actions.

The younger the child, the less able to understand the extent to which certain attitudes can generate. The parents, then, do not negotiate. They impose prohibitions to preserve themselves from dangers and suffering, both to themselves and to those around them.

As the child matures, the ability to understand grows. The more mature, the greater the sense of the relationship between cause and effect.

Not putting the finger in the socket makes sense because the shock will cause pain. Not biting the brother is understandable because, in addition to causing pain in the other, there may be retaliation. Not taking cold protects you from getting sick and bedridden.

In summary, that list of prohibitions has the character of preserving pain and evil, a sign that parents care and love their children.

A balanced life

When Humanity was in its infancy, out of barbarism, God, Father of infinite love, sent, through Moses, a list of rules for a more balanced life and a harmonious coexistence on Earth.

This list contains the Ten Commandments and, among them, several prohibitions:

  1. You shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain.
  2. You will not kill.
  3. You will not commit adultery.
  4. You will not steal.
  5. You will not say false testimony against your neighbor.
  6. You will not want the next man's wife.
  7. You shall not covet your neighbor's house, nor his servant, nor his handmaid, nor his ox, nor his donkey, or anything else that belongs to him.

At that time, Humanity was unable to understand the scope of these rules.

It was not aware that these commandments brought the essence of the Divine Laws, the only knowledge necessary for happiness. God has put these laws in our own consciences to guide us towards good. With discernment, we know what we must or not do and are guided to happiness when we follow them, or to unhappinness whenever we violate them.

In the same way that some children defy their parents and violate the rules suffering later, many of us also refuse to follow the Divine Laws. Our immaturity and rebellion against these laws is what causes sufferings for ourselves and for others around us.

Final Thoughts

The only way to live a peaceful and happy life is to not see these prohibitions as authoritarian, but as proof of love.

Those who don't fight with God and its Laws, know that doing so will only make them suffer. They understand that God is a loving Father, waiting for His children (us) to mature and to love and understand these Laws that rule the Earth and the whole Universe.

And God knows that when that happens, no prohibition will be necessary as human beings will act with conscience always aiming for the good of everything and everyone.

Adapted from Momento Espírita, originally published on April 19, 2016

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Sunday, March 21, 2021

The Spring of Feelings

Every year when Spring comes, we're euphoric with the colors and the heat but quickly our happiness fades away. Why?

Photo by Arno Smit on Unsplash

Spring is a season that usually cheers and inspires a large number of people.

Few are indifferent to it. It is remembered as the season of flowers, as they tend to be exuberant at that time, brightening our eyes with a spectacle of colors.

The air is filled with the aroma of flowers and provokes feelings of well-being, often bringing us good memories of other springs, as the sense of smell has a strong connection with memory.

Birds begin their mating season and, singing, invite a partner to continue their species, perpetuating life.

In the air, pollen from flowers looks for similar specimens so that the visual spectacle continues. Without a doubt it is a season in which there is a real explosion of life in nature!

And we human beings are infected with such exuberance. The higher temperatures invite you to go outside, unlike the frequent winter self-absorption. We take care of our gardens, we prune our trees so that their branches are stronger. 

Back to routine

But after the first weeks, the colors of nature no longer attract our attention because they are no longer new. We go back to the routine. A new winter must make us wish for spring again.

Unfortunately, we behave similarly in our affective relationships. When we meet someone who awakens love in us, we initially feel immense joy, and we start to behave differently.

Just like in the spring, our feelings feel like flowers opening up. Our attitudes towards the loved one are delicate. Our voice has a tone of tenderness like that of a bird.

However, we often let time transform that feeling into routine. We forget to fertilize and water it, as it is no longer a novelty. We allow the heat of discussions and, after them, the cooling of distance and inattention.

So, just as with seasons, we wait for a new spring although we do not strive for it forgetting that we are fully responsible for our feelings.

True love is solid. It gives shelter and security like a leafy tree under which we take shelter. The tree that once was a seed that germinated in fertile soil, which was watered by rain, which gradually took root until it became solid and beautiful and no longer bends to the wind.

Final Thoughts

When we love, we emit thoughts that change our physiognomy, putting a constant smile on our face.

By emitting good thoughts, we modify the energy around us. The energy in which our body is immersed. No wonder that science has shown that those who love maintain their health, delay the aging of their cells and live longer.

Let us always remember that love, as a flower, deserves care, attention and affection. If we love but do not express these feelings in a balanced and constant way, someday it may be gone.

Adapted from Momento Espírita, originally published on September 03, 2019.

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Sunday, February 28, 2021

When we get old

Unless an unpredictable event happens, you are getting old. Are you ready for it?
Photo by Bruno Martins on Unsplash

Living on Earth is a great challenge. Every change that occurs to us in life, needs adaptation.

But nothing compares to the clash of watching the drama of some of our loves getting older. Especially those who saw us being born, growing up, who taught us so much.

One day, they need help for everything. They can no longer bring food to their mouths. Steps become difficult, indecisive. Yet, even more challenging is accepting this new reality. Accepting that they now need support. Accepting that they can no longer be totally alone.

Yesterday, they ran their own lives. They decided when to get up or go to bed. They could go for a walk alone or with friends. They could go shopping, to the church, to the club or to the park.

But now, all steps are monitored. They can no longer go where they want, whenever they want. No talking with friends or taking the dog for a walk. Rules are now dictated to them. They need to wake up when they want to sleep and sleep when they'd like to stay up a little longer. The food is not what they want but what's prescribed to them.

Life became a real drama.

A real drama

To better understand an elderly person, let's put ourselves in their places. Let's imagine how difficult it would be if we faced of so many difficulties including losses of so many loved ones.

Remember that their souls remain active and willful, although the physical machine is failing in some places. Knowing how to take advantage of this wisdom of the years lived is healthy for us and for them.

Asking them about past events, the history of the country, the world they lived in, will encourage them to remember. Remember them how important they still are to us, to our children, to the generations that are coming. After all, they are living history.

Final Thoughts

Let us honor our elders, whether they be parents, relatives or simply those we live with. Much more important than being placed to take the morning sun, it will be to enjoy, every day, the beneficial rays of affection.

Keep in mind that our children watch us and will learn from us how to treat those who have accumulated wrinkles in the effort for the good of the family, for the progress of the country.

One day we will be there. And we will want to be accepted, understood, respected, loved and met in our needs. And only the Father knows if we will be healthy, lucid or if we will need, intensely, the cares of others.

Adapted from Momento Espírita, originally published on October 20, 2018.

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